Did you know

Did you know...

It is a well-known fact that bees are of paramount importance for life on earth. When collecting nectar from flowers, bees spread pollen thereby pollinating the plants. These plants are then able to produce fruits and seeds, which we and other animals appreciatively eat. Here at Secundum Artem, we are even more thankful for bees since they provide us with the liquid gold that forms the basis for our honeywine. 

However, not all is well with the bee population. Although we focus a lot on the honey bees, we must not forget their solitary cousins. When thinking about bees, one might often only think about the honey bee, however, over 20 000 different species of bees exist! Solitary bees are distant cousins of the honey bee, and pollinate over 80% of all crops. These bees do not live in hives, but solitary in small crevices all around us.


  • Bees have been here about 30 million years and are found all over the world except Antarctica
  • Almost 90% of wild plants are pollinated by animals including bees
  • Foragers must collect nectar from about 2 million flowers to make 0,5 kg of honey

How can we help?

The first thing one can do to help the declining bee population is providing them with more food of course! Planting flowers in our gardens, balconies or windowsills can help. Also, in case you have a garden, let the grass grow during summer. This will give wild flowers the chance to grow and bloom while serving as a buffet for all kinds of bees!

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